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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

School Vision and Values

Vision Statement

Together we achieve.

Mission Statement

Luckwell Primary School will provide an inclusive learning environment where all our pupils, staff and parents/carers can achieve the highest standard of education possible. The school will provide a challenging, broad, exciting and extended curriculum which will actively encourage, motivate and develop the talents of everyone in our school. To do all this, we will provide a safe, secure and aspirational learning environment which will be educationally inclusive, recognising the uniqueness of each learner. Learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all members of the school community are central to our Mission.

Our School Values

- Empathy

- Challenge

- Trust

- Respect

- Resilience

- Curiosity


British Values at Luckwell

The government set out their definition of the British values in the 2011 Prevent strategy, and they were reinforced in 2014.


The British values are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.


At Luckwell Primary School, these values are reflected within our school mission and we reinforce them through the life of our school.


Promoting British Values.

At Luckwell we promote the British values across the whole school. Our assemblies reinforce these values, as does our broad curriculum. The British values are taught through PSHE, SMSC and RE.


Value: Democracy   How do we promote it?

  • We encourage children to have a say in what happens in our school and in their local area. We have a School Council which has representatives from each class who meet regularly to discuss ways to make improvements and changes within our school.
  • Each year the children decide upon their class charter and all the children contribute to the drawing up of the charter.
  • We have systems of class monitors that are chosen.
  • We encourage children to decide which charities we would like to raise money for each year. COTs (contribution to society) encourages children to understand how to be contributing citizens and decide on their preferred charity as a class.
  • Democracy is also promoted through PSHE lessons and assemblies where children are taught to respect their rights and the rights of others.
  • We welcome a range of external visitors throughout the year including local councillors.

Links to the school values:

Links to the PSHE curriculum: Being me in my world, celebrating difference


The impact democracy has on our children:

Children at Luckwell learn how to respect the outcome of a democratic process and learn how to manage feelings of disappointment if not chosen or elected. They learn to help make decisions and share ideas as individuals and in groups, confident that their pupil voice will have a respectful and active audience. They understand their responsibilities to the school and the wider community.


Value: Rule of Law   How do we promote it?

  • Children at Luckwell know what is expected of them, why rules are so important, and what the consequences are if they do not follow them. They learn about the importance of different rules whether they be laws of the classroom, home, local or global societies.
  • Each year, the class begins Term 1 by discussing class and school rules and the reasons for having and keeping them. An E-Safety agreement is also revisited and reinforced.
  • Positive reward systems are in place to celebrate achievement in each class. There are well defined sanctions within each class.
  • Our PSHE curriculum and assemblies teach children about trust, respect and honesty. We encourage children to develop a strong sense of morality; knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing even when it’s difficult.
  • We ensure children understand laws are made in parliament and explore how these laws are made.
  • We plan visits from authorities such as the Police, Fire Service etc. regularly to help reinforce The Rule of Law.
  • Internet Safety week carries an annual theme where the rules and safety procedures taught within the IT curriculum are reinforced and consolidated. 

Links to the school values:

Links to the PSHE curriculum: Being me in my world, Healthy me, Relationships


The impact The Rule of Law has on our children:

Children at Luckwell show respect for the rules and the law. They understand their responsibilities and the consequence of their behaviour. They feel safe in a secure and respectful environment. Older children in the school set a good example for younger children to follow.


Value: Individual Liberty   How do we promote it?

  • We teach children to value and appreciate their individual liberty within the UK and understand this is not true for all other countries across the world.
  • We encourage children to make choices at different points in the school day within a safe and supportive environment. Children make lunch option and activity choices. They have the choice of challenge in some lessons and how they record their work.
  • Allowing children to understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms safely e.g. during annual whole school Safety, on line safety and anti-bullying weeks, RE lessons and PSHE lessons.
  • We teach children to respect the rights of others and things through the values of empathy and tolerance, as well as understanding and knowledge.
  • In Term 2, during Black History Month,children learn about the past and the importance of freedom, the right to equality and free choice.


Links to the school values:

Links to the PSHE curriculum: Being me in my world, Relationships


The impact Individual Liberty has on our children:

Children at Luckwell feel a sense of belonging and feel their opinions are valued. They develop strategies to manage different situations in which they need to make choices. They are aware of how to stay safe in different situations. They enjoy and value the freedoms that they have, of speech, of thought and of being themselves while remaining respectful of others' differences.


Value: Mutual Respect   How do we promote it?

  • Being ‘Responsible citizens’ is part of our school mission SHARE. Children learn to be respectful and polite to others.
  • We have high expectations of how children behave which is reflected in our behaviour policy.
  • Children learn that their behaviour has an impact on their rights and those of others.
  • We promote opportunities for children to work together with others in a class, team, group or older buddy.
  • We warmly welcome all visitors and newly arrived children and their families.
  • All members of the school community treat each other with respect.


Links to the school values:

Links to the PSHE curriculum: Being me in my world, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Relationships.


The impact Mutual Respect has on our children:

Children at Luckwell are respectful towards others. They respect and value theirs and other’s achievements and opinions. People feel valued and welcomed at our school.


Value: Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.   How do we promote it?

  • Luckwell is situated in an area which is not greatly culturally diverse. Therefore we place a great emphasis on promoting diversity with the children. Assemblies are regularly planned to promote this British value through the inclusion of stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures.
  • Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school. We welcome parents from different cultures and faiths to share their knowledge and experience with us in class, assemblies and special events.
  • Children visit places of worship that are important to different faiths.
  • Our teaching of Religious Education where children learn about different religions, their beliefs, places of worship and festivals.
  • Children learn about different societies and cultures through geography and history topics.
  • Assemblies mark and celebrate significant religious festivals and current affairs.
  • We organise international days and other special days where children learn about other cultures.

Links to the school values:

Links to the PSHE curriculum: Celebrating Difference, Relationships.


The impact Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs has on our children:

Children are respectful to those who have different beliefs or lives to them. Children learn to discuss issues from different viewpoints and show empathy to others. Children at Luckwell appreciate the differences in other children’s cultures and can talk about it. They understand when behaviour towards others is not acceptable, including any type of discrimination.