The Ofsted inspection in September was the first since the school became part of the Gatehouse Green Learning Trust family of five schools in Bristol, and the school had been looking forward to this opportunity to demonstrate the progress which has been made in the years since that transition in 2018.
We are delighted that the report recognised the great work taking place at the school.
The report highlighted areas where the school is achieving good results, stating that “Pupils learn the importance of respect and tolerance towards others”, that pupils said “no one cares if you are different here; we all get along together”, and that “Leaders place a high priority on pupils’ personal development”.
With regard to safety at the school Ofsted commented that “Leaders, including governors, have created a strong culture of safeguarding”, and educationally “Children in the early years get off to a strong start”
We are especially proud to be rated ‘Good’ in behaviours and attitudes, personal development and early years provision.
We are so proud of each and every one of our children and the Inspectors said that pupils enjoy attending Luckwell Primary School.
As a school we are committed to continuing to improve our systems to ensure that pupils remember the knowledge they have been taught and identify key knowledge and skills pupils need to revisit. Inspectors acknowledged that the school has robust plans in place to enable this to happen.
Please take the time to read the report here, we welcome and encourage you to visit our school to see for yourselves the progress we are making.
Here is a link to Ofsted Parent View so that parents can give their views (at time of inspection)