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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Breakfast Club

Luckwell Breakfast and After School Club offers a Breakfast Club for children attending Luckwell Primary School. The club is based in the Old Caretakers House, within the school grounds, and is accessed from Luckwell Road.

The Breakfast Club opens at 7.45 and the children are offered a breakfast selection of cereal, toast, yoghurt, fruit and juice. After breakfast, the children have the opportunity for free play inside of the house until 8.30am. Children can take part in various play opportunities such as board games, drawing, reading or construction play. When the school opens at 8.40am, the children in Reception and Year 1 are escorted to their classrooms and the children in Years 2 to 6 are allowed to go into the playground to join their class queues.

Session fees

The session cost is: £4.90 per session

Please note that all users (occasional and regular) will be required to register and pay a registration fee on registration.